The individual house hold latrine construction under Swacch Bharat scheme has failed to adhere to its time line in Deogaon block with 80 per cent of household yet to get a toilet. Report say during base line survey out of 26,789 family in the block only 1,245 found using toilet.
At a Latter stage when the Swacch Bharat scheme began rest of the 25,544 families were taken into the ambit by the RWSS department. However a report elicited through RTI says in the last four years only 5,120 IHHL has been provided with a toilet.
“A staggering 20424 households are yet to be covered under the scheme and the way things are moving it will take another decade or two for each household to get a toilet”, said Sankar Panigrahi, convener of the RTI Forum here. Moreover the data provided states that the department is yet to construct a single community toilet in the block.
Interestingly though it is mandatory to upload photographs of toilets only 4,184 such pictures has been uploaded. The question is as to how the bills for construction were passed without the photograph, remarked Panigrahi.