Odisha on Tuesday joined the list of states to ban use of plastics. Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik announced the decision at his weekly ‘Ama Mukhyamantri, Ama Katha’ programme where he speaks to panchayat level representatives via video conference.
The ban will be effective from 2 October in five municipal corporation areas of Bhubaneswar, Berhampur, Sambalpur, Rourkela and Puri. Subsequently, it was be enforced throughout the state within two years.
The Chief Minister called upon the people to support the ban and eschew use of plastics which is a major threat to environment. In fact Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik’s address on Tuesday on the ‘ Ama Mukhyamantra, Ama Katha’ programme was on environment protection and forests.
During the course of his speech he made the announcement of ban on polythene and plastics of a certain category which is not biodegradable.
Polythene is a major threat to our environment, he said. Housing & Urban Development department and Panchayatiraj department have been asked to execute the ban order in urban and rural areas respectively.
The Forest & Environment department will monitor the plastic pollution control work across the state.
Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik also exhorted people to plant saplings during monsoon which in turn will help in mitigating adverse impact of climate change and protect our environment.
He pointed out that the green cover in Odisha had increased in the state and it had performed better than the national average.