The state government on Monday sanctioned 39 new projects in the agriculture and allied sector. The projects entail an investment of Rs 365 crore and would be compleed within one to three years. It will be funded both by the Central and State Government on 60:40 sharing basis under Rashtriya Kurishi Vikash Yojana (RKVY).
The major sanctioned projects include holistic development of Sakhigopal coconut farm, formation and operationalization of Farmers’ Producer groups in Ganjam district, developing model livestock farm for promotion of entrepreneurship and capacity building, development of ICT based forwarding system for major insect and pests diseases.
Besides, establishment of farmers’ counselling center at panchayat level, enhancing food & nutrition security of small & marginal farmers in Koraput district will be taken up.
Enhancing fish production in water reservoirs of the state, online payment system to milk producers, modern diary parlor through e-cat, construction of 10 multipurpose agricultural godowns, construction of drying yards, expansion of sweet potato cultivation, expansion of betel vine in Jagatsinghpur district.
Other projects include compost production from urban waste, establishment of center of excellence on organic farming, establishment of incubation center for microentrepreneurs, mobile based customized advisory to the farmers etc, said officials.
Available data show that so far 646 major projects have been implemented in the state under RKVY. Out of these 414 projects have been completed and 232 projects are under implementation.
Chief Secretary Aditya Prasad Padhi directed the implementing departments and agencies to focus on post-harvesting, value addition and marketing support to the farmers so that they get more price for their products.
He stressed that right type of people should be nurtured in the incubation centers so that they actually grow as entrepreneurs after coming out of the center.
The horticulture department was directed to support betel vine cultivation on private lands in Jagatsingpur district. Integrated sources and issue the advisories from single source for convenience of the farmers, Mr Padhi told officers of departments.