Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat launched the Oak Tasar Development Project in Dehradun on Friday. This project is being done with the support of Textile Ministry’s Central Silk Board. On this occasion, besides announcing a grant of Rs 1 crore from the State Government for the supply of silkworms, the Chief Minister also said that land would be provided for the Oak Research Center. Like Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand has also announced for the arrangement of funds for farmers for the silkworms.
The Uttarakhand Chief Minister said, “The Oak Tasar Development Project will provide a new dimension to the employment of the farmers associated with silk industry. Increasing the production of silk in the state can lead to additional income generation for the farmers.”
In Uttarakhand, oak gets naturally produced in excessive quantity. Oak is suitable for developing the source of water and environment. The weather of Uttarakhand is ideal for Manipuri Oak. Uttarakhand can take advantage of the current situation as silk production has decreased in plains. Experts feel that in the hill areas, adequate agricultural land is available and farmers can cultivate silk by raising oak and mulberry plants. Farmers and silk department will have to make efforts to increase the production of oak and mulberry.
Minister of State for Textiles Ajay Tamta said, “This ambitious project will increase silk production in the state. The production of silk in the country is about 33 thousand metric tonnes. The production of mulberry silk in Uttarakhand is now 33 metric tonnes and target to make it 55 metric tonnes has been set.”
India exports 18 to 22 percent of silk in the field of textile sector. Continuous efforts are being made to increase silk production in the country. For rejuvenation of Kosi, plantation of oak will be done on 500 hectare forest Panchayat land. Efforts are on to plant Manipuri oak. Elaborated plans are being worked out to train farmers for silk production.
Minister of Agriculture and Horticulture Subodh Uniyal said, “It is essential to increase employment opportunities to prevent migration from hill areas. We can move forward by developing new clusters in the field of silk.”
Photo: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Rawat watching Tasar silk products in Dehradun on Friday.