Former Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia announced that his primary role in the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) would be to engage directly with the public through ‘padayatras’ (foot marches) across the city to see that the party moves forward .
In a statement on Wednesday, Sisodia emphasised that his decision for the yatra was taken in consultation with party leaders, including Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. “My role in the party is decided after consulting with the party leadership, and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal,” he said.
“After talking to the party leaders, it has been decided that I will go among the people in every street. I will do ‘padayatras’ I have no desire for any post he further asserted.
Sisodia, who played a pivotal role in shaping Delhi’s education system and governance model during his tenure as Deputy CM, stepped down earlier this year following legal challenges. His return to active politics signals a new phase in his political career, focusing on grassroots outreach rather than holding an official position.
The announcement comes amid speculations about his future in the party and the role he would play after resigning from the cabinet. Sisodia’s decision to focus on padayatras is seen as a strategic move to reconnect with the electorate, particularly in the wake of upcoming elections in Delhi.
The Aam Aadmi Party continues to prepare for the forthcoming electoral challenges with Sisodia’s involvement likely to be a significant component of its strategy.