In a new twist to Gujarat’s ‘liquor vigilantism’ undertaken by three young leaders Hardik Patel, Alpesh Thakore and Jignesh Meawni (HAJ), a woman has filed a police complaint that the trio had themselves planted the hooch they ‘seized’ from her house recently.
Following recovery of liquor in large quantities by the police and some people falling ill after consuming country-made hooch, the three young leaders Hardik Patel, Alpesh Thakore and Jignesh Mewani too had started their own raids last week to prove that Gujarat’s six-decade-old prohibition policy is a hoax.
During one such raid in the state capital Gandhinagar earlier this week, the trio’s ‘Janata raid’ had ‘recovered’ two pouches of country liquor from a house in Sector 21 just a hundred metres away from the district police chief ’s office.
The lady of the house, Ms Kanchanben Zala, has now filed a complaint with the police that the three leaders and their associates had trespassed into her house and ‘planted’ the two pouches of country liquor which they ‘recovered’ later.
The trespassing complaint by this lady was preceded by the district police chief giving a clean chit to her on the alibi that no liquor making substance was found in the house during the police raid there. The ‘Janata raid’ on the house by Patel quota stir leader Hardik, OBC leader Alpesh Thakore and Dalit leader Jignesh Mewani was earlier described by the district police chief as ‘politically motivated’.
The complainant lady’s son Mohabbatsinh too has said that the trio had conducted the ‘Janata raid’ on their house with the motive of showing the state government in poor light.
He, however, admitted that his father was in illicit liquor business but he runs a paan shop ever since he died few years back. Many paan outlets in Gujarat are run not from small kiosks but in big spacious shops which stock other stuff like perfumes, over-the counter medicines and small daily utilities.