The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) on Friday organised a registration camp for artisans and craftsmen like the black smith, gold smith, washer man, carpenters, murtikars, barbers, masons, cobblers, tailors under PM Vishwakarma scheme.
NDMC Member Vishakha Shailani visited the PM Vishwakarma Yojana Camp and encouraged artisans and craftsmen to register under this scheme.
She also explained the scheme and its benefits to the people who visited the camp.
Shailani informed that a camp was already organised at Indra Niketan, Laxmi Bai Nagar last week and the same registration camp will be organised by NDMC at Sangli Mess on Saturday.
More than 500 people visited the camp and 150 people were registered under PM Vishwakarma Yojna on Friday.
For the great success of the scheme, the NDMC has been nominated as nodal agency for the NDMC area.
In this process NDMC has organized camps at various locations for registrations for the artisans/craftsmen who work with their hands and tools in various areas under it to extend the facility of registration to all eligible beneficiaries of the scheme.
In future, NDMC will also organize camps at various locations of washer men working in the area.
PM Vishwakarma Scheme is a flagship program of the Ministry of MSME, Govt of India for recognizing crores of Vishwakarmas who create something or other by working hard with their hands, tools and equipment.
The benefits for registering under this scheme are recognition certificate and ID card, skill up gradation, toolkit incentive, credit support, incentive for digital transactions, marketing support, basic and advance training for all registered beneficiaries for 7 or15 days on Rs 500 incentive per day and tool kit to all registered beneficiaries of worth Rs 1,5000.