Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said the National Cadet Corps (NCC) has played a crucial role in making the country’s youth energetic, entrepreneurial, and responsible citizens.
Kejriwal made the statement in his address at the NCC Republic Day Parade Camp at Delhi Cantt.
Lauding the contribution of the NCC to the nation, the Chief Minister said, “The objective of NCC training is to develop candidates holistically, aligning with the current challenges of the country. The NCC cadets have made significant contributions to raise awareness in society on various issues, ‘Nasha Mukti’, ‘Save Earth’, ‘Swachh Bharat’, ‘Save Girl Child’, ‘Save environment’, ‘Anti Dowry’, among others.”
Extending his heartiest greetings for a happy and prosperous 2024 to the cadets, Kejriwal said, “It is a matter of immense pride for me to be amongst the elite NCC cadets who are the future of our nation. I am highly impressed by your impeccable turnout, crisp movements, and high standard of parade.”
“The NCC extends you all a great opportunity to imbibe qualities of discipline, spirit of adventure and service to the nation. Our country with its diverse culture, different languages and religions is an outstanding example of ‘unity in diversity’. NCC with its motto of ‘unity and discipline’ has been instrumental in strengthening these patriotic and secular values of ours which are enshrined in the constitution,’ he said.
Citing that the NCC also extends an opportunity to the selected cadets for foreign exposure through Youth Exchange Program (YEP) with various countries, the Chief Minister said, “These interactions not only provide a chance to learn from the culture and traditions of host countries, but they also give you an opportunity to be the ambassador of Bharat showcasing our rich cultural heritage and unique value system.”
Kejriwal also mentioned that he is aware of the various camps attended by the NCC cadets like ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’, ‘Special National Integration Camps’ and Independence Day Camp which intend to inculcate and ingrain the spirit of oneness between cadets, who come from different states and belong to different religions and cultures.
Besides this, cadets also undergo service-specific training through Thal Sena, Nau Sena and Vayu Sena Camps, he added.
Earlier, he inspected the camp, in presence of NCC Director General Lieutenant General Gurbirpal Singh.