The Nagpur police said on Sunday that it had solved the killing of the mother and daughter of a journalist here, 12 hours after the crime was committed.
Usha Kamble (50) and one-year-old Risha were killed on Saturday evening and their bodies were put in a gunny bag and thrown into a nullah at Bhadura in Dighori here at around 11 in the night, police said.
Joint Commissioner of Police Shivaji Bodkhe told PTI that Ganesh Rambaran Shahu (26), a resident of Pawanputra Nagar area here, was arrested adding that the victim and Shahu had fought over chit fund money yesterday evening at the latter’s house.
In the course of the altercation, the woman fell from the stairs, after which Shahu slit her throat, Bodkhe said.
He added that the toddler, who was with Kamble at the time, was killed by Shahu to stop her wails.
“He later put the bodies in a sack and disposed it off in a nullah,” Bodkhe said.
Further investigations were underway, the official said.