KMC engineers study tilted building site at Christopher Rd
Engineers of Kolkata Municipal Corporation inspected and conducted a structural study of the site of the tilted building at Christopher Road today.
Bengal Assembly
Municipal Corporations in the state will have authority of imposing penalty against property owners if steps are not taken to prevent mosquito breeding. A Bill ~West Bengal Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Bill, 2018~will be placed in the Assembly next week.
The Bill has two important provisions~levying charges or special cleaning charges , imposition of penalty against property owners if steps are not taken to prevent mosquito breeding.
Another important provision in the Bill is exemption of property tax to certain extent for senior citizens, widow or deserted women and physically challenged persons.
Two Bills ~ West Bengal Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Bill, 2018 and West Bengal Municipal (Amendment) Bill were scheduled to table in the Assembly on Friday but sudden adjournment of the Assembly on Friday deferred the Bill.
West Bengal Municipal (Amendment) Bill, 2018 has provision for exemption from property tax if pond, tank and water body is maintained by the owner in a good manner so as to maintain ecological balance of the locality.
The Board of councillors may exempt the property tax to the tune of ten per cent on land and buildings owned singly or jointly by citizen who have attained the age of sixty five years or more or owned by widow or deserted women irrespective of age and physically challenged person, irrespective of age.
Kolkata Municipal Corporation last month has sent a proposal to the state government for imposing penalty against the property owners if steps are not taken to prevent mosquito breeding in their premises.