

Mizoram CM Lalduhoma awarded honorary 7th Dan Black Belt for contributions to Taekwondo

This prestigious honour, the highest in India, acknowledges the Chief Minister’s significant contributions to the development of sports in the region, particularly Taekwondo.

Mizoram CM Lalduhoma awarded honorary 7th Dan Black Belt for contributions to Taekwondo

Mizoram CM Laduhoma (Photo:ANI)

Mizoram Chief Minister Lalduhoma was awarded an honorary 7th Dan Black Belt by the Mizoram Amateur Taekwondo Association (MATA), World Pro Taekwondo Headquarters, and World Taekwondo Headquarters, Kukkiwon.

This prestigious honour, the highest in India, acknowledges the Chief Minister’s significant contributions to the development of sports in the region, particularly Taekwondo.

Chief Minister Lalduhoma expressed heartfelt gratitude, attributing this accolade to the remarkable achievements of MATA and Mizoram’s Taekwondo fighters. Their success on national and international stages has not only brought pride to the state but also highlighted the growing prominence of Taekwondo in India. The Chief Minister extended his best wishes to the athletes and the association for their future endeavours.


MATA officials explained that Lalduhoma’s consistent support and advocacy for sports development were the key reasons behind this recognition. His efforts have fostered a nurturing environment for Taekwondo in Mizoram, contributing to its rise as a significant sport in the region.

Taekwondo, a Korean martial art characterised by high, fast kicks and dynamic footwork, emphasises physical and mental discipline. The ranks in Taekwondo are indicated by the colour of the belts, with black belts signifying advanced levels of mastery. The 7th Dan Black Belt is an elite rank, reflecting not just skill but also profound understanding and contribution to the art. It’s rare and significant, and its conferment upon a non-practitioner highlights extraordinary support for the sport.

The ceremony was graced by the presence of two eminent Taekwondo Grand Masters. Grand Master Prof. Hee Do Kim, a 9th Dan Black Belt holder from the World Taekwondo Headquarters, Kukkiwon, and Grand Master Lee Jae Ku, an 8th Dan Black Belt international coach for Poomsae and Kyorugi Taekwondo, attended as dignitaries for the Mizoram Sports Conclave. Their presence underscored the importance of the occasion and the high regard in which Mizoram’s Taekwondo community is held.

This honour to Lalduhoma follows the tradition of recognising influential figures in Mizoram who have supported sports. In 2012, former Chief Minister Lalthan Hawla was similarly honoured with an Honorary 1st Dan Black Belt, marking the state’s long-standing commitment to promoting Taekwondo.

The felicitation of Lalduhoma serves as an inspiration, showcasing how leadership and support can significantly impact the growth and success of sports disciplines at both regional and national levels.

