One month after taking over as Delhi Police commissioner, Rakesh Asthana on Saturday affected a major reshuffle at Special Commissioner and DCP-level in order to bring more transparency and accountability in the system.
The anti-terror unit (special cell), too, is set for an overhaul with four new DCP-rank officers and new verticals, to meet the challenges of evolving threat perceptions and changing security situation in the region.
“Law and order” has been split into two – Zone I and II – with special commissioners Dependra Pathak and Satish Golcha at the helm. The chief of the traffic unit, apart from DCPs of south, southeast, southwest, north, outer north and central, have been changed as well and new officers posted there. The traffic unit has been renamed as traffic management division and 1991-batch officer Virender Singh made its new chief.
According to an order issued by the top cop’s office, Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal has cleared these transfers and postings.
Delhi, which earlier had three Special Commissioners looking after law and order, has now been reduced to two Special Commissioners with special CP Sanjay Singh being transferred to licensing.
Muktesh Chander, Special CP/Ops and Lic have been posted as Special CP/Technology and Project Implementation Division. S Sundari Nanda, Special CP/HQ and GA has been posted as Special CP/Human Resources Division.
Satish Golcha, (AGMUT-1990), has been shifted from Special CP Southern Zone to Special CP/Law and Order Division Zone-II (New Delhi Range, Southern Range and Western Range); David Lalrinsanga from Special CP/P&L and Welfare to Special CP/Provisioning and Finance Division (P&L, P&I and GA).
Nuzhat Hassan has been transferred from Special CP/Women Safety, SPUWAC and SPUNER to Special CP Vigilance and Public Transport Safety Division.
Dependra Pathak, Special CP, Intelligence has been posted as Special CP Law &Order Division Zone -I; Robin Hibu, Special CP/ Armed Police has been posted as Special CP Armed Police Division & Managing Director, Delhi Police Housing Corporation.
Rajesh Khurana, Special CP/Central Zone has been posted as Special CP/Intelligence Division and Virender Singh, Special CP/Training and Transport has been posted as Special CP/Traffic Management Division.
ID Shukla, Special CP/Security has been posted as Special CP/Protective Security Division.
Apart from this, 29 officials have also been transferred from their respective posts and assigned new responsibilities. Out of these, at least one of them will be relieved for central deputation, the order said.
While some of these officers have been reassigned from duty in the traffic wing to different police districts, other officers have seen their respective districts changed.
Like Additional CP (Traffic) Veenu Bansal has been moved to CPCR as Additional CP.
Shweta Chauhan, DCP (HQ), has been sent to DCP (Central District. Sagar Singh Kalsi, DCP (P&L), has been sent to DCP (North District). Similarly, Esha Pandey, (DCP (PCR) has been shifted as DCP (South East District).
Jasmeet Singh, DCP, Central District, Ingit Pratap Singh, DCP South West District and Rajeev Ranjan, DCP Outer North District transferred and posted as DCPs in the Special Cell.
At least 10 of the reshuffled officers are from Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Police Service.
Asthana was appointed police chief on July 28, 2021.