Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva on Saturday welcomed the victory of the saffron party in Maharashtra Assembly election and the by polls in Uttar Pradesh as also its good performance in Jharkhand.
Sachdeva has said that people of the two largest states of the country have expressed their faith in the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s politics of development for all. He claimed that party’s election slogan ‘Ek Hain Tou Safe Hain’ has been widely appreciated and supported by the people irrespective of their caste and backgrounds.
He further mentioned that people have clearly shown that they do not support caste-based politics, and are in favor of all inclusive politics of the saffron party. Delhi BJP president said that as the party leaders and workers go amongst the people of the national capital, it has been seen that they have made up their minds to give Delhi a double engine government.
He said that the poll results in Maharashtra and UP, are on one hand a boost for party cadre in Delhi, while on the other hand it has further strengthened the resolve of the residents of the city to bring BJP government in future.