Shiv Sena MP Rajendra Gavit has given a cheque of Rs 25,000 to the family of a 48-year-old tribal man who was found dead at a village in Maharashtra’s Palghar district last month after allegedly being forced to work as a bonded labourer.
The Lok Sabha member from Palghar met the villager’s family members on Tuesday when he gave them the cheque as well as food grains, a release from Gavit’s office said.
He also promised two-acre land to the family for its livelihood and directed the sub-divisional officer to arrange for benefits of the Gharkul Yojana for the wife and two daughters of the deceased – Kalu Dharma Pawar, it said.
The MP also directed revenue officials to arrange for the education of the two girls in an Ashram (residential) school.
Leader of Opposition in the state Legislative Council Pravin Darekar, who also visited the family a couple of days back, termed the incident of the man’s death as “serious” and said they will not keep quiet till his family gets justice.
Pawar was found dead on July 13.
According to police, the post-mortem report revealed that ligature marks were found on Pawar’s neck.
SP Dattatreya Shinde on Wednesday said it was a suspected case of suicide although a probe was on to confirm it.
He also said no bonded labour system was found operating in Ase village in Mokhada tehsil, where the incident took place.