Delhi Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena on Wednesday wrote to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and said the much talked about “Delhi model” is shrouded in a haze of smog.
In his letter addressed to Kejriwal, the LG wrote, “I am writing to draw your attention to the disturbing national headlines today – ‘Delhi – The World’s Most Polluted – Foulest Capital Again.’ This dubious distinction is a matter of national shame and collective concern.”
“With Delhi being the second most polluted capital in the world in 2022 and yet again being the most polluted capital city in the world in 2021, I am sure that this report card of nine years of your government is not one which you would be proud of. The much talked about ‘Delhi model’ is shrouded in a haze of smog,” he said.
Saxena said over the last two years he flagged the issue of air pollution in the capital by writing to him and Chief Ministers of neighbouring states.
“The World Air Quality Report 2023 paints a grim picture. It raises a red flag over the abnormally high PM 2.5 levels, two fifth of which is attributable to vehicular emissions. There are other factors like road dust, open burning etc. which also contribute to high particulate matter in the air. I am sure that you are aware that prolonged exposure to particulate matter of this dimension leads to premature deaths in people, triggers lung disease and asthmatic attacks, and leads to a host of respiratory diseases,” the LG said.
Citing that he has been closely following the “narrative around worsening air quality” over the last two years, Saxena said, “Each winter, there are a plethora of news reports and articles which underscore the lackadaisical approach of the city government to address air quality.”
“Great power comes with even greater responsibility. The very least which people expect from their elected government is breathable air and good quality potable water,” he said.
The LG further said, “I am writing this letter to you not to score a point. I hope that in the coming months you will take some concrete measures and share with the people of Delhi your plans for fixing these core problems and not brush them under the carpet.”