Delhi Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena has urged Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to table five reports of CAG pertaining to finances of the government in the state assembly.
“My secretariat is in receipt of copies of communication from Controller of Accounts, PAO (Principal Accounts Office), GNCTD addressed to the Secretary to the Finance Minister, GNCTD, pursuant to a letter by Principal Accountant General Audit, Delhi, requesting for five CAG reports and one GNCTD Accounts to be cleared by the Finance Minister and sending to me for causing them to be laid before the Legislative Assembly,” he said in his letter to the chief minister on Thursday.
Saxena stated that Article 151 of the Constitution mandates for ‘The Lieutenant Governor to cause the reports of CAG to be laid before the Legislature’. He claimed five reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) pertaining to state finances as under, have been pending for consideration of the (Delhi) Minister of Finance, since August, 2023.
The reports mentioned by the LG include the ones on State Finance Audit Report for the year ended 31st March, 2022; State Finance Audit Report for the year 31st March, 2021; Performance Audit on Prevention and Mitigation of Vehicular Air Pollution in Delhi for the FY 2021-22; Revenue Economic, Social and General Sectors and PSUs for years ended 31st March, 2020 and 2021; and Performance Audit Report on Children in Need of Care and Protection for the year ended 31 March, 2021.
Apart from this, the Finance Accounts and Appropriation Accounts for the years 2021-2022 along with audit certificates have also been pending since August, 2023, he said.
“You will appreciate that the reports of CAG are constitutionally mandated independent and impartial assessment of the performance of the government and in many ways are a guidance document for governments to assess their financial performance, the gains obtained through revenue and help the government invoke corrective measures where necessary. It is an obligation of the Government of the day to share with the people, through the House, an objective account of its performance, revenue and expenditure of public funds,” the letter added.