Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Tuesday visited Srinagar’s SMHS hospital to enquire about the well being of two labourers from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh who were injured in terrorist attacks in Kashmir.
The labourers, Bisujeet Kumar from Bihar and Muhammad Akram from Bijnoor, Uttar Pradesh, who had sustained injuries in the recent terrorist attacks in Pulwama and Tral are getting treatment in the hospital.
The Lieutenant Governor met the injured labourers and assured them of the best possible health facility for their treatment.
While condemning the terrorist attacks on civilians, the Lt Governor asserted that the government is determined to eliminate terrorism and perpetrators of despicable terror attacks will be brought to justice soon.
Earlier, Principal, GMC Srinagar, Prof. Samia Rashid briefed the Lt Governor about the condition of the injured and the healthcare facilities being provided by the hospital.
The Lieutenant Governor was accompanied by Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Pandurang K. Pole; Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz; Medical Superintendent SMHS hospital, Kanwaljeet Singh and other senior officers of the health department.