Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena, along with Chief Minister Atishi and Delhi University Vice Chancellor Professor Yogesh Kumar, presided over the convocation ceremony at Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW) on Friday.
During the event, the L-G distributed graduation degrees to female students who completed their academic programs this session.
Addressing the gathering, Saxena remarked, “The young, bright women graduating today are breaking barriers, redefining gender roles, and stepping into a rapidly changing world with technical expertise and determination. Their bright, young minds are a testament to the innovation and resilience needed to lead in this era of transformation.”
He emphasized that the graduates carry the promise of not only bright futures but also a significant responsibility to contribute to their families, society, and the nation.
“This convocation marks a celebration of progress and highlights the vital role women play in shaping a technologically advanced and equitable future,” the LG added.
IGDTUW was established in May 2013 by the Government of NCT Delhi as a non-affiliating university. Its mission is to facilitate and promote education, research, technology, innovation, incubation, and extension work in emerging areas of professional education among women, with a focus on engineering, technology, applied sciences, architecture, and related fields to achieve excellence.