Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena on Saturday administered the oath of faith and allegiance to the new team of New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) led by Keshav Chandra as Chairman and Kuljeet Chahal as Vice-Chairperson with other nominated members in a ceremony held at Raj Niwas here.
The NDMC has been reconstituted by the Notifications issued from Union Ministry of Home Affairs on September 17, and November 5 in which three elected representatives from NDMC area constituencies, four Official- Members and four Non-Official Members have been nominated.
Accordingly, the LG also administered the oath to Bansuri Swaraj, MP-New Delhi, Virendra Singh, MLA-Delhi Cantt, Anil Valmiki, Sarita Tomar and Dinesh Partap Singh, and Niharika Rai, Secretary (Finance), Government of NCT of Delhi as Members of NDMC this evening.
Among them, Kuljeet Chahal has been nominated as the Vice-Chairperson of NDMC as per the notification of MHA.
The oath taking ceremony was also attended by Chief Minister Atishi, MPs – Ramvir Singh Bidhuri, Yogendra Chandolia and Chief Secretary Dharmendra and other senior officers of Council and Delhi Government.
In the exercise of the power conferred by the certain provisions of the NDMC Act, 1994, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India in every five years is issuing a notification for nominations of the Members of NDMC. As per the NDMC Act every new member before taking his seat, is required to take an oath of affirmation in the prescribed format.