A day after two students of an Ahmedabad-based institute drowned in the sea, Goa Tourism Minister Manohar Ajgaonkar on Friday said the teachers accompanying the students should be questioned.
He added that a law was needed to ban beachgoers from venturing into the sea after sunset.
Ajgaonkar called the twin drownings “unfortunate”, but also asked how students were allowed to go to the beach at night and venture into the sea.
“There are teachers and guardians accompanying students on such tours. It is to be probed as to how they were out late on the beach and permitted to venture into the sea. The teachers should be questioned in this regard,” Ajgaonkar said.
Two students from the Ahmedabad-based Mudra Institute of Communication drowned after they ventured into the sea at the popular Candolim beach at 3 a.m. on Thursday.
The deceased, identified as Anuja Susan from Chennai and Gurram Chenchu Sai from Andhra Pradesh, were part of a group of 47 students on a study tour to Goa along with faculty.
“The issue of people venturing into the sea after sunset also needs to be looked into,” Ajgaonkar said.