Intensifying preparations for the upcoming Delhi Assembly polls, Aam Aadmi Party National Convener Arvind Kejriwal will embark on a series of padyatras across all constituencies of the national capital in the coming weeks, the party said on Sunday.
According to the party, the initiative aims to establish a direct connection between the people and the former Delhi CM and AAP chief, allowing him to take note of their concerns while sharing his vision for the city’s future.
The party claims that Kejriwal’s padyatras have already garnered immense public response, with large crowds turning out to express their support in the first phase.
Announcing the initiative, senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh on Sunday said that Kejriwal is already receiving a lot of support and affection from people. He claimed that this response from the public highlights their belief that the AAP chief is the only leader who has brought about real change in Delhi over the past decade.
Talking of Kejriwal’s first phase of padyatras, Singh claimed at a press conference that wherever he went, people expressed their affection, acknowledging him as the only person who has brought changes in sectors like education, health, electricity, and water, as well as providing free bus travel for women.
He alleged that the BJP tried to disrupt Kejriwal’s padyatra due to the support he received from the public.
He further accused the saffron party of trying to attack Kejriwal in a bid to stop his padyatra.
“Since they cannot win elections against Arvind Kejriwal’s politics of work, they resort to violence in an attempt to hinder his padyatra,” Singh alleged.
He further said that the upcoming padyatras will continue throughout November and December in various constituencies, aiming to reach every person.
The AAP leader gave an open challenge to the saffron party to name one of the 22 states under their governance that provides free electricity, offers free bus travel for women, or has schools with world-class facilities such as air-conditioned classrooms and athletic grounds.
He also accused BJP leaders of hindering the construction of ghats for Chhath Puja, while asserting that Kejriwal has significantly increased the number of ghats for the festival.