Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal launched his personal WhatsApp channel on Friday to connect with people across the country.
Through this channel on WhatsApp: people now have an opportunity to stay connected with Kejriwal.
Expressing joy on the launch of his personal WhatsApp channel, the Delhi chief minister said he was excited to connect with people.
He mentioned that even after 75 years of independence, there is only one political party in the country, the AAP, which seeks votes in the name of development works such as excellent schools and healthcare facilities.
The Delhi chief minister requested everyone to come together to make India the number 1 country in the world. “Let’s come together to make India the number 1 country because the country has the right to become the number 1,” he added.
In this context, he referred to the film ‘Jawaan’ in which Shahrukh Khan says don’t vote in the name of caste or religion. Ask candidates if they would provide good education for your children and ensure good healthcare if a member of your family falls ill.
“After 75 years of independence,” he said, “there was only party in the country, which confidently asks, ‘Give us your vote because we will provide quality education to your children.’ In Delhi, we have built excellent government schools, and now, under Sardar Bhagwant Mann’s leadership, the AAP government has started the same education revolution in Punjab.”
This WhatsApp channel was created to provide an opportunity for the common people to stay connected with Kejriwal.
The official WhatsApp Channel of Delhi’s Chief Minister’s Office was launched on September 20, and now, more than 51,000 followers have joined.
After connecting with the CMO’s WhatsApp channel, the Delhi Chief Minister expressed his happiness and appealed to continuously receive updates on the achievements of the Delhi government, new programmes, and other information through this channel at
He further added that the Delhi government is working towards making Delhi a city that every Indian can take pride in.