Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday launched a mobile app developed by the Delhi Tourism Department for the convenience of those visiting the national capital as tourists.
The app contains different kinds of information about famous places and popular tourist spots in the city.
Kejriwal said, “Anyone planning a visit to Delhi can now use this app to properly plan one’s tour with all kinds of information available in the app. It has a feature for booking air and train tickets too.”
The Chief Minister expressed the hope that the Delhi tourism app would prove to be greatly helpful to particularly foreign tourists who have very little information about the places and monuments worth seeing in the city when they reach Delhi. The app could help boost tourism in the national capital, he pointed out.
According to Tourism Department officials, the app will also provide a brief history of popular tourist spots in Delhi and guide tourists where to visit and where to stay. It contains information not only about historical sites but also about Delhi’s popular markets, eating joints, parks and other such places where tourists can go and spend their time comfortably.
In the first week of August, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia had announced that the Tourism Department was in the process of developing such an app to help tourists coming to Delhi from different parts of the country and abroad.