Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva on Tuesday offered prayers in the Hanuman Temple at Connaught Place and paid obeisance to Ram Darbar, Lord Hanuman, and Saint Tulsidas while seeking forgiveness for AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal, who, as per the BJP leader’s claim, shared a misrepresentation of the Ramayana at a public meeting on Monday, disrespecting the honour of deities.
Sachdeva also decided to observe a symbolic fast on Tuesday as an act of prayer while continuing his regular activities.
Addressing journalists after the temple visit, Sachdeva hit out at Kejriwal, stating that it is highly unfortunate that ‘political Hindus’ like the AAP chief, out of ignorance, narrate false stories during election campaigns, hurting religious sentiments and disrespecting the sanctity of deities.
Sachdeva also reminded people of Kejriwal’s election speeches from 2015 to 2023, in which he shared alleged stories of his grandmother expressing sorrow over the demolition of the Babri structure and his opposition to temple construction.
“This is the same Arvind Kejriwal who will forever be remembered for his suggestion to replace temples with hospitals, as part of his anti-temple rhetoric,” the Delhi BJP chief claimed, warning the AAP supremo to stop playing with the sentiments of Hindus.