Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly, Vijender Gupta on Saturday said former Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener Arvind Kejriwal has deceived the public by projecting an image of honesty and transparency after the BJP claimed that the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report on Delhi government’s now-scrapped excise policy caused loss of Rs 2,026 to the state exchequer.
Attacking Kejriwal, he said, “Kejriwal has deceived the public by projecting an image of honesty and transparency. This report has revealed that his government’s priority was not the citizens of Delhi but the pockets of his party leaders.”
He posed a volley of questions to the former CM over the matter.
“Kejriwal must explain to the public why expert recommendations were ignored when his government implemented this policy. Why was the policy altered for the benefit of a few instead of serving the public interest ?,” he questioned.
Asserting that the CAG report clearly mentions how the AAP government ignored complaints, violated rules, and completely overlooked transparency in its policies, Gupta said, “The sole intent behind these actions was to exploit taxpayers’ money to benefit the party’s leaders.”
The Leader of Opposition demanded that the ruling dispensation in Delhi take full responsibility for this “scam”.
“If Kejriwal has any sense of morality left, he should answer for the Rs 2,026 crore loss to the public exchequer and accept responsibility for all decisions made by his government. The available documents clearly establish that Kejriwal approved every major decision related to the liquor policy, and these decisions were executed only with his consent,” Gupta said.
He claimed that before implementing the liquor policy, neither the Cabinet approval nor the Lieutenant Governor’s consent was obtained, which is a direct violation of the Constitution and administrative procedure.