Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, on Saturday, said he need not respond to the latest leaked videos of his minister allegedly enjoying special privileges in jail as Delhi has to decide in the coming civic body polls whether they need BJP’s ten videos or ten works of the Aam Aadmi Party.
Addressing media persons soon after yet another video of Delhi minister Satyendra Jain chatting with guests and meeting the now-suspended jail superintendent in his cell surfaced, Kejriwal said, “MCD elections are becoming quite clear, it’s BJP’s 10 videos versus Kejriwal’s 10 guarantees. Let’s wait till December 4, people of Delhi will give a reply to all those videos.”
Reacting to the CBI chargesheet filed on Friday in liquor scam case sans his deputy, Manish Sisodia’s name, Kejriwal said: “Manish Sisodia’s name is not there. The CBI has given clean chit to him. The CBI and the ED were working day and night to frame Sisodia, but could not find even an iota of evidence against him.”
“During the investigation in connection with the alleged scam in the liquor policy, a total 800 officers worked for 24 hours and raided 500 places. They were saying that there is a scam of Rs 10,000 crore. They checked Sisodia’s bank account and went to his village for investigation,” the chief minister noted.
“An additional chargesheet may come for face saving. The investigation is going on since 2015, it will continue throughout life,” he observed.
“We have got a certificate of honesty from the PM. The Prime Minister is looking into this matter personally. But despite all the investigation, he could not find evidence against Manish ji. We can proudly say we are brutally honest”, he claimed.
Criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said, “Prime Minister Ji, you work for 18 hours, but you spend all the time in blaming others and mudslinging. If you work properly even for two hours, then inflation will come down.”