The Delhi Police Crime Branch has unearthed an interstate syndicate of illegal weapon suppliers with the arrest of two persons and seizure of four pistols and bullets.
The arrested persons were identified as Nadeem and Fazeel, both residents of Seelampur, North East Delhi. They were involved in arms supply operations for the past six months.
According to police, two individuals, caught with illegal arms in September disclosed that Nadeem and Fazeel had supplied them. After months of investigation, a raid was conducted in Seelampur, resulting in the arrest of the aforementioned suspects along with illegal weapons and bullets.
During interrogation, both suspects confessed to their involvement in the illegal arms trade for the past six months. Nadeem, who studied up to class 10, used to supply weapons on demand, while his brother, Fazeel, who is currently pursuing graduation from an open university, was also involved in the operation.
The police have seized three pistols, four magazines, and about 24 bullets from their hideout.