The Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) has called a day-long bandh on 8 September in support of the demand to complete the construction of the Satluj Yamuna Link (SYL) canal, Dadupur Nalvi canal and securing water from the Agra canal.
This was announced by the Leader of Opposition Abhay Singh Chautala after the meeting of the Working Committee of INLD. Chautala said Haryana bandh was earlier called on 18 August in support of the above demands, but had to be postponed due to the demise of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. But now this bandh would be observed on 8 September.
Chautala also announced that the ‘Samman Divas’ celebrated on birthday of Chaudhary Devi Lal will be held on 25 September in Gohana. In another major decision taken by the Working Committee, it was decided that to provide relief to Kerala which is suffering from the havoc caused by floods due to incessant rains.
He added that no effort would be spared to provide relief and all INLD Members of Parliament (MPs), Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs) would donate a month’s salary to the relief fund. The party would also raise funds from the district units of the party but also from the individuals.
By a resolution the Working Committee decided that the Haryana government be urged to bring a comprehensive Bill in the Assembly that rescues the government employees who face a bleak future in view of the adverse High Court judgment.
The INLD condemned the effort of the state government to malign its image by giving a false impression that it had agreed to the proposal of the government to file a Special Leave Petition (SLP) in Supreme Court against the High Court judgment affecting the future of the employees. He once again reiterated the party stand that a Bill should be brought in the Assembly.
The INLD also expressed its solidarity with the traders who are suffering because of the ill framed and complicated Goods and Services Tax. It supported the demand of the traders that e-trading and direct payment system be stopped forthwith and the various slabs of taxation be reduced to only two with the maximum being 18 per cent.
The Working Committee also expressed concern over the rising crime against the women in particular and society in general. Addressing a Press conference, Chautala extended the party support to the Indian National Students Organisation (INSO) and its demand for direct elections to the unions of the students.