Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister (CM) Jai Ram Thakur on Wednesday said his government will legally fight to get state’s share in power generated by Bhakhra Beas Management Board (BBMB) projects.
“We will expedite possibilities to get state’s legitimate claim in the Union Territory of Chandigarh and posting of officials as well,” he said.
Thakur, who was here in Chandigarh Press Club for ‘Meet the Press’, said, “I am new but will fight it out legally for state’s due.”
He said that there is no need to launch any agitation or confrontation with Chief Ministers of Punjab and Haryana on the issue. “I will meet Punjab Chief Minister, Amarinder Singh and discuss it,” he said.
As per the available information, so far 60 per cent officials are on deputation in Chandigarh from Punjab and 40 per cent from Haryana.
“We also need Himachal officials to be posted here as per our share,” he said.
Denying any differences with senior BJP leaders, including former CM Prem Kumar Dhumal, he said. “I am getting cooperation from all the leaders.”