Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Saturday said the government would provide all possible help for improving the judicial delivery system as it was the constitutional duty of the state to administer justice to its citizens.
While inaugurating the administrative block of Judicial Academy at Ghandal near Shimla which being constructed at a cost of Rs 81 crore, he said Himachal can boast of an honest and hardworking judiciary. The judiciary had only 5.96 per cent of cases pending for more than five years out of total pendency of 2,06,727 in the year 2016.
“Even Supreme Court in its report published in 2016 relating to the Subordinate Courts in India had stated that except north east states, Himachal Pradesh happens to be the most productive state with respect to old cases,” he said.
Thakur said since democracy was not only based on sovereignty of the people, but was also reflected in the Constitution that the judiciary as the third pillar of the state, had an important role in protecting the constitution and democracy.
“The legislative, the executive and the judiciary are the very base of any democracy and it is essential that all the three branches have eternal harmony for a robust democracy,” he said, adding the government has been liberal in extending all sought of help to raise this wonderful edifice.
He said an amount of Rs 165 crore has already been sanctioned for the construction of the Academy.
Thakur expressed hope that the Academy would deliver and disseminate judicial knowledge to one and all and also help in propagating the concept of social justice as it is constitutional, fundamental and economic imperative in today’s world.
The Chief Minister said the complex and Academy would surely emerge as one of the major attraction in the state. “World over Himachal Pradesh is known as ‘Dev Bhoomi’ for its peace loving people but still some untoward incidents do happen,” he said.
He said Judiciary was known for its honesty and dedication and both legislative and Judiciary work with the common cause of serving the people of the state in a befitting manner.
“We all should work collectively for making our society progressive, law abiding and peace loving for which co-operation and support of judiciary was also solicited,” he said, adding one should be open to learn new ideas, initiatives and new visions.
Judge of Supreme Court of India and former Chief Justice of HP High Court Justice Kurian Joseph said that the Judicial Academy was located in a salubrious and serene setting.
“Himahcal is known throughout the world as beautiful state with immense tourism potential,” he said, adding he is happy to know that the government is committed to fully harness this potential.