In a shameful incident, a traffic cop in Haryana allegedly sexually harassed a 21-year-old woman in a shared auto-rickshaw in Rohtak on Thursday. He has been arrested and placed under suspension following the incident.
The woman is a national level karate champion. After her Karate class on Thursday, she boarded an auto-rickshaw and the constable also boarded the same vehicle and sat next to her.
The woman, in her complaint, said that he asked for her mobile number and looked toward pursuing friendship with her. The constable, who was reportedly in his uniform, touched the girl inappropriately after which she hit him in self defence before asking the driver to take them to a women police station.
“A Haryana traffic police constable has been arrested and placed under suspension for allegedly sexually harassing a national-level woman karate player in a shared auto-rickshaw in Rohtak,” police said.
The player also alleged that the senior woman police personnel there did not help her but instead said that she would rebuke the constable.
However, after the matter came to the notice of Rohtak SP Pankaj Nain, an FIR was lodged immediately and the erring woman cop transferred to the Police Lines.
(With agency inputs)