Haryana Public Works (Building and Roads) Minister Rao Narbir Singh on Sunday said now after the rainy season, the construction and repair works of roads would resume as due to rainy season such works were halted from 1 July to 15 September.
The minister was addressing the representatives of Residents Welfare Association in Gurugram on Sunday.
He said that the Resident Welfare Association (RWA) would be encouraged to install compost plant in their respective areas so that waste of households could be converted into manure. He said that Municipal Corporation is also preparing a report after studying compost plants installed at various places.
Singh said that the work on the rejuvenation of ponds in Gurugram is also being carried out to revive the ponds and rain water could be recollected in them. With the water storage in ponds and water reservoirs, the level of groundwater would also improve and ground water recharging would be possible. At present, it is being studied by a team of IIT, Roorke.
The minister said that in the 48 years, before present government came to power, there were only 14 National Highways and in the last four years of present government, 18 new National Highways were approved. With the completion of all these National Highways, it would not take more than four hours to reach from one corner to the other in Haryana.