In a horrific incident which has come to light from Haryana’s Mewat, eight men have been accused of allegedly raping a pregnant goat, which reportedly died after the incident.
According to the news agency ANI, the owner of the goat had filed a police complaint against the accused men, who are now absconding, on July 26.
Police identified three of the accused as Savakar, Haroon and Jaffar. They are waiting for the reports of a medical examination to confirm the assault. The goat will be examined by a veterinarian.
“One person, Aslu registered a complaint on July 26 that his goat was gang-raped on the night of July 25 by Savakar, Haroon, Jaffar and five others whose identities are yet to be ascertained,” Nagina Police Station in charge (SI) Rajbir Singh told ANI.
Media reports indicate that the goat was also tortured and abused after it was gang-raped. PETA India’s Emergency Response Coordinator, Meet Ashar, said, “An FIR has been registered under Sections 34, 377 and 429 IPC, Section 11(1)(a) & (l) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.”
PETA India took to Twitter and wrote, “We worked with the police in filing FIR against the accused. They’re expected to be arrested soon! Please join us in urging the govt. for stricter penalties, for those who abuse animals.”
According to Nagina police station in-charge Rajbir Singh, the incident allegedly happened on Wednesday night and the accused are reported to be drug addicts.