Transport minister meets top S Bengal district officials on road safety
Transport secretary Saumitra Mohan was also present at the meeting in which RTO’s and other top officials of the district transport department were present.
Haryana Assembly (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Haryana Assembly on Monday passed the Haryana Private Universities (Amendment) Bill, 2018 paving the way for setting up of IILM University at Gurugram.
As many as 21 private Universities had already been set up under the Act and after the amendment, IILM University at Gurugram would be the 22 such university.
The Assembly passed six more bills which included the Haryana Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Adoption Bill, 2018, the Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas (Amendment) Bill, 2018, the Motor Vehicles (Haryana Amendment) Bill, 2018, the Haryana Civil Services (Executive Branch) and Allied Services and Other Services Common/Combined Examination (Amendment) Bill, 2018, the Haryana Private Universities (Amendment) Bill, 2018, the Haryana Motor Vehicles Taxation (Amendment) Bill, 2018 and the Haryana Appropriation (No.1) Bill, 2018.
The Haryana Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Adoption Bill, 2018 would be applicable to all clinical establishments having more than 50 beds and for providing quality health care.
The Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas (Amendment) Bill, 2018 has been passed to allow grant of specified category of licences after following the bidding or auction process as an alternate to first come first serve policy after following a prescribed procedure in this regard.
The Motor Vehicles (Haryana Amendment) Bill, 2018 has been passed so that State Transport Undertaking may operate on any route as Stage Carriage under any permit issued therefore to such undertaking, any vehicle, placed at the disposal and under the control of such undertaking by the owner of such vehicle under any arrangement, entered into between such owner and the undertaking for the use of the said vehicle by the undertaking.
The Haryana Civil Services (Executive Branch) and Allied Services and Other Services Common/Combined Examination (Amendment) Bill, 2018 has been passed to include the post of NaibTehsildar in Haryana Civil Services (Executive Branch) and Allied Services and Other Services Common/Combined Examination Act, 2002.