The Gurgaon traffic police has identified 15,000 diesel vehicles which are over a decade-old and suggested to the state government to not renew their pollution under control (PUC) certificate, officials said today.
They said the decision was taken in a bid to lessen the traffic load on the millennium city roads and reduce air pollution.
“Approximately 15,000 diesel vehicles running on Gurgaon roads have been manufactured over 10 years ago. Taking them off road will also ease off the traffic burden,” city police PRO Ravinder Kumar told PTI.
The action follows National Green Tribunal’s strong remarks while hearing a PIL on September 22 on increasing pollution in the city.
Kumar said traffic constables have been asked to keep a tight vigil on old diesel vehicles and cross-check their pollution under control certificate issued by the Haryana State Pollution Control Board.
“They have also been asked to impound diesel vehicle manufactured over 10 years ago,” he said.
Gurgaon is currently going through a phase of road- widening and construction of underpasses and flyovers. The construction of three underpasses at the Iffco Chowk, Signature Tower and Rajiv Chowk are part of the effort to ease traffic woes at peak hours.
“Approximately, 15,000 diesel vehicles running in Gurgaon roads have been manufactured more than 10 years ago,” Kumar added.
According to the Road Transport Department, Gurgaon, 55,000 diesel autorickshaws ply in the city and 62 per cent of them are over 10 years old.