Haryana government on Wednesday has directed all the Deputy Commissioners (DCs) to give full respect and honour to the freedom fighters, their widows and first generation successors in the state.
An official spokesperson said that like freedom fighters, their first generation successors should be respectfully invited on national and state level celebrations.
Similarly, the last rites of widows of freedom fighters should also be performed with full state honours.
He said that the state government has also made mandatory to provide financial assistance for the marriage of the grand-daughters of freedom fighters and Indian National Army (INA) personnel belonging to Haryana and their widows only through Aadhaar-linked bank accounts.
It has also been decided that claim for assistance to the tune of Rs.51,000 would ordinarily be made within six months from the date of marriage through the DC concerned. The claims should not be made later than 12 months within the date of marriage (for a special reason to be recorded for delay).
After verification of claims and recording his or her satisfaction, the DC would forward the case to Chairman, Haryana Swatantrata Sainani Samman Samiti (HSSSS). After verification by Chairman, HSSSS, approval would be taken from Chief Secretary to issue sanction to the Administrator General and Official Trustee and Treasurer, Charitable Endowments Haryana for making necessary arrangements for payment of financial assistance, he added.