In a dramatic action, Uttarakhand Police arrested the mother of western U.P gangster Sunil Rathi from Baraut in Bagpath district of Uttar Pradesh on Saturday. Rajbala was arrested on allegation of demanding ransom of Rs. 50 Lakh from a Roorkee based doctor.
Sunil Rathi was recently shifted from the Roorkee jail to Abdulapur jail in Bagpath (UP). Rajbala, a former BSP leader, is contesting in the Tekari City Council election as an independent candidate. The arrest created shock-wave and the supporters of Rajbala gathered at the Gangnahar police station in Roorkee on Saturday morning protesting the move.
Confirming the arrest, Uttakhand Police’s Additional Directorate General Ashok Kumar said, “The arrest was made in connection with the ransom demanded from a doctor in Roorkee.”
The state police acted after receiving complain from a prominent doctor from Roorkee-who received multiple call on his mobile phone, in the name of Sunil Rathi, to provide Rs. 50 Lakh and deliver it at Baraut. Though one business too had received similar threat but he failed to register complain with the police.
The arrest was made in the wee hours on Saturday. The supporters of Rajbala are terming the arrest political motivated as the leader was contesting the city council election.