Delhi Women and Child Development (WCD) Minister Kailash Gahlot on Monday visited Anganwadi centers in the Kusumpur Pahari area of New Delhi district to review the services provided under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), formerly known as Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan.
During his visit, he assessed the quality of take-home ration (THR), hot cooked meals (HCM), and early childhood care and education (ECCE) activities. Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said, “Ensuring the health, nutrition, and early education of children is critical to their overall development. I am happy to see the dedication of the Anganwadi workers in providing quality services to our beneficiaries.”
“We will continue to monitor and improve these services to ensure every child receives proper care, nutrition, and education during their formative years,” he said. In addition to reviewing the services, the minister also inspected the usage of the poshan tracker app (PTA) to ensure effective monitoring and tracking of beneficiaries. He also checked the maintenance of records at the centers.