The Crime branch team of Delhi Police has arrested four members of the Gogi gang who were working as sleeper cells, providing support to the gangsters to carry out shootouts in the national capital.
The police have recovered 13 sophisticated weapons, two magazines and 34 bullets from their possession.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime Branch) Sanjay Kumar Sain said the team focused on these sleeper gang members who were not directly involved in any criminal activity but provided support by giving shelter to wanted criminals, managing arms, cash and providing a safe escape among other assistance.
Sain added that the arrested includes two illegal arms suppliers from Bihar, namely Deepak, Himmat and Veer, other members Sagar Rana and Deepak alias Panchi as arms collector and distributor to the gang members.
The DCP added that during the interrogation, they revealed that on directions from jailed gangsters Kapil Sangwan, Yogesh and Deepak Boxer, they were tasked to provide pistols to the shooters of the gang for carrying out criminal activities.
The official said that Kapil is one of the leaders of Gogi Gang and had created this second layer of sleeper cells of his gang which continues to provide arms and ammunition to the shooters of this gang.
In order to curb the rising firing incidents in the city, the Crime Branch has been continuously working to nab the gangsters and their sympathisers across Delhi-NCR region.