The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) has arrested Dr Amit Bansal, son of Subhash Bansal, a resident of Chandigarh, for illegal activities at his 22 de-addiction centers being run/owned by him in different parts of the state.
The Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court (HC) Justice Krishna Murari on Monday administered the oath of office to four new judges as additional judges of the High Court.
The judges to whom oath as judges of this court was administered are Mrs Manjari Nehru Kaul, Mr Harsimran Singh Sethi, Mr Arun Monga, and Mr Manoj Bajaj.
The swearing-in-ceremony was organised at the High Court Auditorium. Among those present during the oath-taking ceremony included all judges of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, Registrar, officers of the registry, senior advocates, and office-bearers of High Court Bar Association.