

Forest replantation plans post-Fani

Around 50 lakh seedlings will be distributed free of cost and around 25 lakh seedlings out of this will be planted in urban areas.

Forest replantation plans post-Fani

( Representational Photo: Getty Images)

“Even as severe cyclonic storm Fani has damaged millions of trees in the state, it is high time we thought of cyclone-resilient trees as cyclones are likely to be more frequent in the near future so far as the current scenario of global warming and Odisha’s vulnerability to climate change is concerned,” said eminent environmentalist professor Radhamohan.

He suggested that cyclone-resilient trees like neem, Patali, Saptaparni, Pesta Badam, Arjuna, Jamun, Kusum, Ou, Sunari, tamarind, Acacia Mangium, Chironjee, Champa and Kanchana should be considered for avenue plantation. Besides, species like cashew, casurina, acacia auriculiformis, sissoo, bamboo, American silk cotton can be considered for commercial plantation


He also urged the government to think about regeneration of damaged trees and replantation of uprooted trees. Describing several regeneration methods he said while branches of the banyan tree can be planted, bamboo can be grafted. As the affected people are now planning not to plant trees near their houses, he said, there is no problem in planting trees near houses, however, planting big trees should be avoided on the North direction of a house. It is because direction of wind is generally NorthEast or North West during cyclones.


“Massive plantation through a convergence mode is the need of the hour to compensate the green loss,“ said Jagadananda, founder and mentor of CYSD. He also shed light on preparation of biomanure from plant residue, setting up of decentralised nursery and mass plantation drives. Besides, reviving livelihood of affected people who suffered crop loss and other losses should be the priority, he added.

Speaking on the road map of restoration by the govt, Dr. Sandeep Tripathy Principal chief conservator of forest (PCCF) said, “plantation drive will be undertaken on around bout 6000 hectares of land in the next 5 years. The area includes coastal belt, forest land and road sides.

Around 50 lakh seedlings will be distributed free of cost and around 25 lakh seedlings out of this will be planted in urban areas.

He proposed the plantation of casuarina trees that are disaster resilient and protect environment by reducing wind velocity. Besides, they are also commercially beneficial. While there is a dearth of disasterresilient saplings in the state, the government has planned to seek support from neighboring states, he added. Environmentalist Sabarmatee suggested burning fallen trees.
