Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Thursday urged the people of the state to maintain Covid protocol while celebrating the Ganesh Chaturthi festival, warning that cases are increasing in nearby states like Maharashtra and Kerala.
“We have to maintain Covid protocol while celebrating the Ganesh festival. The cases are increasing in our neighbouring states like Kerala and Maharashtra. We are very much in control. We have completed 100 percent first dose vaccination in Goa. We are targeting 100 percent of the second dose by October 31,” Sawant told reporters at the State Secretariat.
“I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all my friends and families for their support to the Government and for the manner in which they have fulfilled their responsibility to make the state Covid-free. 90 percent of the people in the state are vaccinated,” Sawant also said in a message to the people.
“Let us set a goal to restore our past glory while preserving the sacredness of Chaturthi. Chaturthi, as it is celebrated in Goa, gives us the opportunity to make seasonal vegetables and homemade dishes due to our rituals and different methods,” Sawant also said.
The festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, the state’s most popular Hindu festival, begins on Friday.