Delhi Police have arrested five people in connection with the firing incident outside a cafe located in the Satya Niketan, South Campus area, police said on Monday.
According to DCP South, it was on Sunday night around 8.48 pm when a PCR call was received regarding the firing, and the beat staff who was on patrol duty, immediately swung into action and nabbed one of the accused after a hot chase.
The person was identified as Ahmed(26), who was a resident of Jahangirpuri.
Later, other police staff also arrived at the spot along with the forensic team.
It was revealed during the inquiry that the men had come to the cafe from Jahangirpuri to celebrate a birthday, and they got into a scuffle with the cafe staff over seating. After that one of them fired shots outside the cafe, who was later identified as Javed, the main accused.
It was also learned that the main accused person’s father is also a criminal.
No person was injured in this incident, according to the police.
A case under relevant sections of the law is being registered.
All the five accused in this matter have been identified as Ahmed, Aurangzeb alias Mangal alias Monu, Atul, Javed, who has previous involvement in six cases, and Adil.
All the accused were residents of Jahangirpuri, the police added.
A SUV used by them in connection with the crime has been recovered from accused Aurangzeb and the illicit firearm which was used in the incident has also been recovered from prime accused Javed.
The firearm is a 7.65mm pistol, while five live rounds were also recovered from him, police said, adding that further investigation is underway in the matter.