A fire broke out in a foam factory in North East Delhi’s Karawal Nagar area on Tuesday afternoon. Thankfully, no injuries were reported in the incident, Delhi Fire Services (DFS) officials said.
According to the DFS, a call regarding the fire was received around noon from a factory in Karawal Nagar. In response, eight fire tenders were rushed to the spot to bring the flames under control.
The fire was brought under control in an operation that lasted for one and a half hours, DFS officials said.
There were no reports of anyone being injured and a cooling operation was followed after extinguishing the flames, they added.
Prime facie, it appears that a short circuit caused the fire. However, the exact cause could only be ascertained after the completion of the inquiry, police said.
Earlier last month, three fire incidents were reported in the city on a single day. The first incident was reported in jhuggis, the second in a factory, both in the Bawana area, and the third in a bus in the Dhaula Kuan area.
However, no casualties were reported in any of these incidents.