DMK President M.K.Stalin on Friday said he would file a case against Tamil Nadu Electricity Minister P. Thangamani over alleged inappropriate payments made by state power utility if the latter fails to file a case against him within a week.
Denying Thangamani’s charge that he was providing wrong information, Stalin told reporters here that he has provided a proof of the irregular payment for buying wind power.
Stalin has circulated a purported audit note of TANGEDCO Tirunelveli region that states about Rs 9.17 crore collected from a consumer for bogus energy allotment made without generation.
The DMK leader further said that the party had first raised the issue of the sale of gutkha — banned tobacco product in the state — in the assembly and later filed a case in the Madras High Court.
The gutkha case is now being investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation.
According to Stalin, if the Electricity Minister Thangamani fails to file a case against him as declared earlier for spreading baseless charges within a week, he (Stalin) would file a case in the court against the Minister.