BJP New Delhi constituency candidate Parvesh Verma on Thursday hit out at Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal over the issue of the Jat reservation, claiming that entire rural Delhi has decided to vote against the AAP and exuded confidence that the saffron party is winning the upcoming assembly polls. His reaction comes after former Delhi Chief Minister wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging him for the inclusion of Delhi’s Jat community in the Central OBC list.
The BJP leader, who has been fielded against AAP supremo Kejriwal from New Delhi, said the former CM never visited any village and did not allow any villager of the national capital to enter his ‘Sheesh Mahal’. Addressing a press conference, Verma, while attacking the AAP government, claimed that Kejriwal raked the issue of the Jat reservation because he realised that rural Delhi was voting against him.
“This is the same Arvind Kejriwal who used to say that people in villages of Delhi stink. This is the same Arvind Kejriwal who never allowed people from even one village of Delhi to enter his ‘Sheesh Mahal’. This is the same Arvind Kejriwal who never visited any village to date over any issue,” Verma said.
“Today, he felt that the entire rural Delhi was voting against AAP–rural Delhi included not just Jats but also Gujjars, Yadavs, Tyagis and Rajputs, all of them saying in unison that they have to uproot the Arvind Kejriwal government,” the BJP leader said.Verma further claimed that the BJP will emerge victorious in all 28 seats of the entire rural Delhi.”We will form our government in Delhi this time and the BJP will win with a big margin, the BJP leader added.
Labelling the CM’s bungalow as ‘Sheesh Mahal’, the BJP had claimed that the Delhi CM’s official residence had swimming pools and a golden commode. The saffron party had alleged that huge expenses were incurred in refurbishing the bungalow when AAP chief was holding the CM’s post.
The Delhi assembly polls will be held in a single phase on February 5 and the counting of votes will take place on February 8.The last date for filing nominations is January 17. The date for scrutiny of nominations is January 18. The last date for withdrawal of candidature is January 20.
Earlier in the day, Kejriwal said the Delhi assembly elections will be a “direct contest” between the AAP and the BJP and not an election of the INDIA alliance.
“The Delhi assembly election is between AAP and the BJP. It is not the election of the INDIA alliance. I wholeheartedly express my gratitude to all those parties for supporting us. Mamata Banerjee is supporting us. Akhilesh Yadav is supporting us. I have learnt through the media that (Uddhav) Thackeray ji’s party is supporting us,” Kejriwal told reporters here.