Many people have furnished fake mark sheets and cornered Sikshya Sahayak posts fraudulently in Kalahandi district alleged the Kalahandi unemployed CT, BED Association while demanding a high level probe into the appointments.
Genuine applicants of Kalahandi district who have submitted original mark sheets and certificates have been deprived of jobs.
Comparative mark sheet of 70 students who had earlier applied for contractual teacher posts in the year 2012 and later applied for Sikhya Sahayaks in the year 2016 online obtained from web site was produced by the Association to justify their charge at a press conference here.
They demanded high level inquiry to unearth the racket. Incidentally for the post of 1,601 Sikhya Sahayaks in Kalahandi district only 200 applicants from Kalahandi could get jobs.
The Kalahandi unemployed CT, BED Association members are on a protest demonstration here.