Delhi Education Minister Atishi on Thursday said that every child in the national capital deserves the best education. She made this statement after inspecting the new building of Sarvodaya Vidyalaya being constructed in Mandawali here.
Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said, “This magnificent new school building is being constructed in the Assembly constituency of Manish Sisodia ji. With each new school, we are advancing towards fulfilling this vision.”
She said that the construction of this school exemplifies the commitment of the Arvind Kejriwal-led government to education.
“Our children are entitled to the best education, and we are building this grand school to provide them with world-class educational facilities. I am happy that about 4,000 children in this area will benefit from this magnificent government school. Every student studying here will take pride in it,” Atishi said.
Referring to former Delhi Education Minister Manish Sisodia, the Minister said, “The design of this building was prepared under the guidance of Manish Sisodia ji. Although he is currently in jail on a fabricated charge, his vision for education cannot be put in jail.”
“Whatever dreams Manish Sisodia ji had for education will definitely come true. The students studying in this school will not only make themselves and their families proud but also make Sisodia ji proud,” she said.
Atishi further said that this four-storey school has 64 rooms, and is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including smart classrooms, four labs, two libraries, a lift, and an activity room.
The Minister instructed the officials to complete the finishing work soon and dedicate the school to the children of the area.