Slamming the BJP leaders, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said that the party leaders must “not to do drama” of taking food at the homes of Dalit families, said media reports.
Referring to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Gram Swaraj Abhiyan’, Bhagwat asserted that the caste barriers can only be removed if the process is two-way and merely visiting homes of Dalits is not enough.
“Merely visiting their houses is not going to be enough. It has to be a two-way process,” the RSS chief reportedly said at the recently held internal meeting of the Sangh where the RSS chief held discussions on promoting social harmony and the social inclusion of the Dalit community.
“We have to welcome members of Dalit community into our houses, the way they welcome us,” Bhagwat added.
Deccan Chronicle quoted Bhagwat as saying, “Taking food at Dalits’ homes, inviting the media or for publicity stunts, is not a good practice… Leaders should interact with dalit people routinely and regularly. Only taking food at Dalits’ houses is not sufficient, send family members too to their homes and invite them at your home.”
In April, PM Modi had launched the abhiyan in a bid to restore Dalits’ faith in the Bharatiya Janata Party. He urged all BJP MPs and ministers to spend time in villages having more than 50 percent scheduled caste population.