Candidates who had obtained government teachers job in Uttarakhand through bogus certificates are having a nightmare these days. The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Uttarakhand Police is presently conducting a probe on use of fake certificates and State School Education Minister Arvind Pandey asked the cops to FIR against the teachers found guilty.
The certificates and degrees of twenty teachers were found bogus in a recent inquiry. Acting tough on two education department clerks, who were not cooperating with the investigating team were served transfer orders on Monday. Pawan Kumar and Manoj Chauhan had to face the heat for not providing support to the Special Investigation Team in the probe.
The Uttarakhand School Education Minister reviewed the progress made by the SIT in Dehradun on Monday. On the complaint of Deputy Education Officer, Bahadarabad the two accused clerks were transferred to remote area. The minister also ordered registration of FIRs against accused teachers in 20 cases recommended by the SIT and also ordered action against appointment officers in those cases.
The state government had ordered a SIT investigation after getting mass complaints about candidates showing bogus degrees and certificates to get government job. In this regard, the service records of 7, 047 teachers appointed between 2012 till 2016 were provided to the Special Investigation Team and 10,485 documents have been received after verification.
Complaints against 365 teachers were received by the department concerned from various sources. Of which 161 complaints have been disposed off so far.
The verification of documents of all those teachers who joined between 2012 till 2016 and provided by education department has been going on. Special Investigation Team’s In-charge Shweta Chaubey said, “After the verification of documents of 42 teachers, the SIT has recommended registration of FIR in 20 cases to the education department and investigation in 22 cases is going on.”
The investigation team was asked to pay fee by various universities and colleges for documents verification. The Uttarakhand education department will now provide funds to the SIT for paying fee for documents verification, asked by different institutes.